新闻报道和媒体特写 | RIVERPEACE.CO

  • Vanguard Magazine | Rust and Reverie

    先锋杂志 | 锈与遐想

    RIVERPEACE.CO's Cowhide Blade Heels, featured in Rust and Reverie's December issue for Vanguard Magazine, exemplify bold sophistication. With striking cowhide material and a sleek, edgy design, these statement heels reflect the brand's commitment to innovation and empowerment, solidifying its influence in contemporary fashion.

  • Harper's Bazaar Vietnam | Bedroom Stories Editorial

    《Harper's Bazaar》越南版 | 《卧室故事》编辑

    Wei Wang’s Bedroom Story turns a simple bedroom into a stylish stage. Bold outfits, rich textures, and creative poses make every photo both striking and artistic.


  • METAL Magazine | Balance in this Chaotic World

    METAL 杂志 | 混乱世界中的平衡

    由设计师谭江宁创立的 RIVERPEACE.CO 登上《METAL》杂志,重点介绍了该品牌从实验设计到可穿戴奢侈品的演变。

  • Blade Heels in Prazzle Inc.

    Prazzle Inc. | Blade Heels 背后的品牌,优雅与危险的大胆融合

    RIVERPEACE.CO 的 Blade Heels 系列将优雅与大胆的设计完美融合,将精致的细节与锐利有力的轮廓相结合。这款奢华鞋履挑战了传统的女性气质,既体现了精致,又体现了叛逆。欲了解有关该品牌及其杰出作品的更多信息,请点击此处阅读 Prazzle Inc. 的完整文章。
